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Why your garden need solar lights?

Garden lights refer to low lamps arranged on one side or both sides of roads in urban slow lanes, narrow lanes, residential quarters, tourist attractions, parks, squares, private gardens, courtyard corridors, lawns and other public places. During the day, it can embellish the city scenery, and at night, it can not only provide the necessary lighting and life convenience, increase the residents’ sense of security, but also highlight the highlights of the city and interpret the bright style.


Compared with traditional garden lights, what are the advantages of solar garden lights? Solar garden lights have 4 major features:

Energy saving and environmental protection. The traditional garden lamp uses mains electricity, which increases the city’s electricity load and generates electricity bills; while the solar garden lamp uses solar cells to convert light energy into electrical energy and store it in the battery, which is energy-saving and environmentally friendly.

Easy to install. Traditional garden lights need to be ditched and wired before installation; while solar garden lights only need to be inserted into the garden using ground plugs.

 3. High safety factor. The mains voltage is high, and accidents are prone to occur; the solar cell is only 2V, and the low voltage is safe.

4. Intelligent light control. The switch lights of traditional garden lights need manual control; while the solar garden lights have a built-in controller, which controls the opening and closing of the light source part through the collection and judgment of light signals.



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